Masterclass Residential Program

The Masterclass Residential Program is an exclusive program for Business Owners committed to improving themselves and their  Business.

There is a waiting List registration below to register your interest

The Masterclass Residential Program is designed to bring together a cohort of like-minded managers and leaders over an 8 week period book-ended by two weekend residential get-togethers.
You’ll want to join this Masterclass to work on your business. You’ll join a group of like-minded business professionals who are looking to grow their business and themselves in a way that is sustainable. There is no quick Get Rich Program here. It’s Get Rich by doing things right. You can Register here.

The Program is designed around YOU. You come with your specific objectives. The one or two problems that you need to resolve.

1. You are given the foundational knowledge and information needed to resolve your problem.

2 You have access to Subject Matter Experts who will be available to provide you with one-on-one consultation advice.

3. You’ll be given time to develop your strategy over an 8-week online program with group and one-on-one session.

4. You’ll be kept accountable to deliver on your strategy by us and your cohort. 

5. You come back together for the final weekend where you present your strategy to your cohort as a stress test before you begin the implementation.

6. The cohort continues past the Masterclass as a way of maintaining your momentum, keeping you accountable, and continuing with the collegiate culture created during the Program.

Here are some more details of the program. 

The first weekend you have the opportunity to lay out your goals, aspirations, frustrations and issues in a safe, confidential and supportive environment.

The Group is limited to twelve (12). It’s enough to get the creative juices flowing but not too many that you’ll be lost in the crowd.

We will have a number of guest experts who will outline the key principles of a strategic plan.

Start with Why.

To use the Simon Sinek’s book title, we work through the decision-making process of “why are you doing what you do”? If you’ve not read his book Start with Why I can highly recommend it. Also his newest book The Infinite Game.
We look at the main areas that need to be considered in a Strategic Plan: Operations (focus on the economic engine); Marketing (Brand and Product); Finance (Budgets, Cash Flow, Capital raising); Business Protection (Structures to protect your Business Assets); Succession Planning (Who are you grooming?); People Management (Developing a winning culture).

We cover just enough of each of these to get you started and not overwhelmed. You’ll be asked to develop the framework of your strategic plan and share it with the group. Over the next 6 weeks you will have particular milestones that you will set yourself and we’ll buddy you up with one or more cohorts to keep you ACCOUNTABLE.
You’ll have exclusive access to a Private Group that is specifically set up for your cohort, and no one else.

You’ll be able to exchange ideas informally during the week. We’ll have a formal ‘live’ meeting where we will be introducing a topic each week to help you with your Project. You can also PM each other offline if needed.

I’ll also be spending an hour with each of you during the week where you can let me know how you’re going and how I, and the team of experts, can support you as you progress with your plan.

Register your interest name here and we’ll keep you up to date with the Masterclass Dates

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